Batteries/Accus only last shortly (few hours)
Your hörbert doesn't reach the intended playing time of approximately 38 hours and turns off?
If it turns off with three deeper beeps, the batteries are empty.
Please try with a completely fresh pack of high-quality AA batteries or full accus. Sometimes, accus do not charge fully anymore or the charger is defective. When changing batteries, sometimes an empty cell can sneak in, we've seen everything ;-) Therefore, please test again for safety with a completely fresh pack of high-quality AA batteries. Please do not use different batteries or batteries from different packs. If despite proven full accus/batteries, the playing time is only a few hours, then a firmware update can help your hörbert. FIRMWARE UPDATE INSTRUCTIONS
The wooden housing is damaged
We can repair everything. If the damage to the wood cannot be fixed by gluing, we can also give your hörbert a completely new housing. For warranty reasons, we generally only carry out a housing replacement (meaning: replacement of the frame and front using all intact hörbert parts) in our workshop. Your hörbert will undergo a comprehensive check during this process, which is included in the service fee for the housing exchange. Please contact our service team to coordinate the necessary steps and the return shipment. Please do not send anything without prior agreement and without a service ticket number. Thank you very much.
Battery acid has leaked
When batteries leak, you will find traces of battery chemistry on the electronics (circuit board). You must clean up these traces thoroughly to get your hörbert back in working order.
Cleaning after leaked batteries: Important safety instructions:
Pay attention to your safety and that of your surroundings while performing the following tasks! Work only with safety goggles! Work only with protective gloves! Do not touch anything else with the gloves on! Work near an open window with sufficient fresh air supply! Do not work near flames or ignition sources! Keep chemicals and tools away from children! This guide does not apply to other devices! Leave the repair to us if you are unsure about any step!
Risk of injury: Splashes of alcohol or battery chemistry in the eyes can cause serious eye injuries. Consult a doctor immediately in case of an accident. Fires can occur when working with high-percentage alcohol. Have extinguishing agents ready. Alcohol can dry out your skin, so wear gloves! And again: Keep children away from chemicals and tools!
Here's how to do it: Remove the memory card from the memory card holder. Check the contacts of the memory card. If it has come into contact with battery chemistry, it may need to be replaced. You can try to clean it with alcohol. Remove the electronics by loosening the 4 nuts on the circuit board inside hörbert. Lift the board and disconnect all cables. Identify all traces of battery chemistry on the TOP AND BOTTOM of the circuit board. You must clean them very carefully now to stop the corrosion. Use plenty of Isopropyl alcohol 70% (e.g. from the pharmacy): Pour the alcohol generously on all areas where you find traces of battery chemistry. Let it soak. When the alcohol evaporates, pour more onto the board, including in the memory card holder. Thoroughly clean all traces of battery chemistry with a toothbrush. Cotton swabs can also help. Important: NEVER scratch! If you scratch a conductor track or destroy a small component, the circuit board is likely to be permanently damaged. Once everything is clean, let the alcohol evaporate for an hour. Never use the electronics in a wet condition. Now you can reconnect all cables where they were, reinsert and screw down the board. Reinsert the batteries and the memory card, then turn on hörbert. Don't forget to breathe. ;-) . The rotary encoder (on/off button) is bent
Your hörbert fell unhappy on the encoder? If you feel capable of repairing it yourself, you can find the instructions below. If you are unable to repair the encoder, you can also find it as a spare part in our shop. You can order it and replace it yourself with the help of the instructions below.
If you prefer not to take matters into your own hands, you can of course send us your hörbert for inspection and repair.
Please make sure to contact our service team in writing beforehand to receive a ticket number and the corresponding return instructions.
Encoder removal instructions: Loosen the rotary knob on the encoder with a 2mm Allen/Hex key. Loosen the nut located under the rotary knob. You will need an 11mm wrench/socket for this. Then pull the encoder out of the mounting hole and detach the latch from the ribbon cable on the encoder itself. To release the latch, you need to push the two protruding black tabs on the cable sideways with your fingernails. Carefully pull out the cable. The ribbon cable may remain plugged into the board on the other side. Remove the encoder and gently try to straighten it again. If unsuccessful, order the replacement part in our shop or send hörbert for repair by arrangement . Installing repaired or new encoder: Connect the cable to the encoder. Make sure that the cable is inserted as shown in the picture and not inserted with the blue side reversed. The white side must be on top. Push the latch on the cable: Insert the encoder into the mounting hole of the housing, place the nut. Tighten the nut with the 11mm wrench. Attach the rotary knob – with approximately 1mm distance from the housing – tighten with the set screw and the 2mm Allen/Hex key. Done! Instructions for printing: Installation Guide for New Encoder
Bluetooth not working with a receiver, e.g. headphones
Please check if you have followed these steps:
Step 1 - Activating Bluetooth and Pairing in SET mode: Open and pull out hörbert's back panel using a coin. Turn on hörbert by pressing the volume control knob once. It will then play normally from the memory card. Press the SET mode button inside. hörbert will mute and now be in SET mode. Press the light green button to activate Bluetooth. A single , bright beep should sound, indicating Bluetooth is activated. Press the yellow button for pairing. A single, bright beep should sound, indicating pairing is activated. Then press the SET button again inside hörbert to save . hörbert will then play from its memory card again. Turn off hörbert again. Step 2 - Pairing with headphones (Bluetooth receiver) Turn on hörbert by pressing the knob once.
The LED inside the SET button will now blink 2 times per second. Then turn on the headphones and if necessary, activate Bluetooth there.
hörbert and the headphones now have 60 seconds to connect.
hörbert will then switch its sound to the headphones. We recommend disabling Bluetooth on other devices or turning off other devices before attempting to connect with hörbert.
Could the headphones still be "occupied" by another device? As a precaution, delete the headphones from the list of Bluetooth devices on your mobile phone or computer and temporarily turn off Bluetooth there.
You have
POGS Gecko Headphones and they turn off after 5 minutes?
There has been a model change with the POGS, which has led to the connection being lost under certain circumstances when used with hörbert.
When both hörbert and the headphones are turned on, they automatically connect. However, the headphones then blink blue every second, indicating an interrupted connection according to the instructions. The connection then drops after 5 minutes.
However, if you press the Bluetooth button on the headphones for about 5 seconds from the beginning, both will reconnect. Then the headphones will blink every 7 seconds, indicating a stable connection. And it will then remain stable.
So please start by turning on the headphones. Press the Bluetooth button for 5-7 seconds Then turn on hörbert.
The POGS should then blink every 7 seconds and the connection should remain stable.
Bluetooth does not work with a transmitter, e.g. a mobile phone
Please check if you have followed the steps below:
Step 1 - Activation of Bluetooth and Pairing in SET mode: Open and pull out hörbert's back panel using a coin. Switch on hörbert once by pressing the rotary knob. It will then play normally from the memory card. Press the SET mode button inside. hörbert will mute and now be in SET mode. Press the light green button to activate Bluetooth. A single, bright beep should sound, indicating that Bluetooth is activated. Press the yellow button to start pairing. A single, bright beep should sound, indicating that pairing is activated. Press the SET button inside hörbert again to save. hörbert will then play from its memory card again. Switch off hörbert. Step 2 - Switching to Bluetooth Speaker mode Bring hörbert into Bluetooth Speaker mode by double-clicking the power button. Please perform the second press immediately within approximately 0.5 seconds.
hörbert will not play from its memory card at first. Instead, after the second press of the power button, several ascending signal tones will sound as confirmation that hörbert is now entering Bluetooth Speaker mode. You now have 60 seconds to pair hörbert with the list of Bluetooth devices on your phone or with another transmitter. Start a playlist, a track, or for example a YouTube music video on the transmitter, hörbert will then play all audio sources through its speaker.
Related further information: Use hörbert as a recording device
Recordings have dropouts
Are your recordings with the voice microphone stuttering or having dropouts? Please install the latest firmware on your hörbert, which will remedy the issue.
Recording cannot be started
Please check if you have followed the steps below:
Step 1: Activating the microphone on hörbert via the SET mode Unscrew the back of hörbert and remove the rear panel. Turn on hörbert - it starts playing. Press the SET button inside - hörbert becomes silent. The LED on the SET button lights up solid green. The front buttons are now in SET mode. The template in the image below - which was also included in your hörbert package at delivery - shows which button you need to press to activate the Sleep Timer, Bluetooth, WiFi, or the microphone. For the microphone, press the dark green button in the bottom row on the right: A single signal tone always means: on - the function is activated. A double signal tone always means: off - the function is deactivated. After setting the desired functions, press the SET button inside again to save.
hörbert starts playing again and the settings you just made are active. Step 2: Editing the memory card
Using the hörbert software, you predefine one or more colored buttons on which recordings are allowed to be saved.
Start the hörbert software and read the SD card. Open the content window of the colored button where voice recordings should be allowed. Then, check the box at the bottom of the window that says "Allow voice recordings here". Click on the green checkmark at the top right to confirm and save the setting. You can now also specify whether Bluetooth or Internet Radio recordings are allowed on other buttons. For Bluetooth recordings, only one button can be defined. You can assign voice recordings or Internet Radio recordings to multiple colored buttons. Always finish working on the memory card by ejecting it using the eject button before removing the card from the computer. Insert the memory card back into hörbert. Step 3: Starting a recording
Using the hörbert software, you predefine one or more colored buttons on which recordings are allowed to be saved.
Turn on hörbert. Select the playlist where you have previously allowed voice recordings in the hörbert software. Navigate to the title where you want to have the recording. Press and hold the black button while also pressing the gray button together. The recording will start, and the red light behind the microphone opening will illuminate. You can release the buttons. Speak loudly and clearly into the small microphone opening from a distance of approximately 5 cm - as close as possible. To end the recording, press the black button. The recording will automatically play back after a few seconds.
Note: Bluetooth and Internet Radio recordings always end up at the end of the playlist defined for them.
For more information on this topic: Recording Functions of hörbert
Quick guide for listening to Internet radio Step 2: Editing the memory card with hörbert software. Turn on hörbert, he starts playing. Press the SET button inside. hörbert becomes silent and is in SET mode. Now check if WiFi is already activated by briefly pressing the orange button in front. If hörbert emits a high-pitched signal tone, WiFi is active. If he gives two lower signal tones, WiFi is turned off, then press again so that a single, high-pitched signal tone sounds. After that, be sure to press the SET button inside again to save. Step 2: Editing the memory card with the hörbert software.
Store WLAN access data on the memory card.
You need the hörbert software from version 3.
Find the latest hörbert software
HERE for download.
Start the hörbert software, select your new hörbert model, and read the memory card. Now in the software menu, in the Extras section, under "Configure WiFi connections ", you can enter the name and password of your home WLAN. Notes: It must be a 2.4 GHz WLAN. The WLAN name must not contain spaces. Enter Internet radio URL(s) Now click on one of the colorful buttons for which you want to store one or more Internet radio streams. Using the plus sign next to the word "URL", you can now enter a streaming URL. For example, this one for testing: or Radio Teddy: If you also want to record Internet radio: In the content window for the playlist at the bottom of the window, specify if you want to allow recordings on this button as well. Click on the box "Allow Internet radio recordings here." Save the changes with the green check mark in the top right corner. Eject the memory card and insert it into hörbert. Step 3: Read WLAN data on hörbert. Turn on hörbert. Wait until he starts playing. Press the SET button inside. Now press the orange button for a long time. Keep pressing until after about 10 seconds you hear a signal tone confirming that the WLAN data has been read into hörbert. Now press the SET mode button inside again to save .
Now hörbert is ready to play Internet radio stations at the touch of a button when you reach the relevant point in the playlist where a URL for the Internet radio station has been stored.
hörbert will first emit some ascending search tones and then play the station .
Further information on this topic
hörbert can't find the Wi-Fi
Please check if it is a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi, as hörbert can only connect to such.
Please check if there is a space in the Wi-Fi name? If yes, please change the Wi-Fi name on your router and remove the space. Save the Wi-Fi data again via the hörbert software to your memory card and read it into hörbert again.
If it still doesn't work, please check if you have a correct URL, it must be a streaming URL. See next point - "hörbert can't find the streaming URL" The SD card cannot be written
First, please check if the write protection switch on the left side of the SD card has moved to the lock position. Slide it back up if necessary.
Further solutions:
Missing permissions on macOS:
Click on the Apple icon and select "System Preferences" Click on the "Security" icon Then choose "Files and Folders" from the left column. All checkboxes for must be selected as permission. If necessary, click on the edit lock and set the checkboxes. Close the window and test again if the card is now writable.
The path to the system setting on "Big Sur" 11.6.6 is:
Apple icon -> System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> "Privacy" tab -> left list "Files and Folders"
The hörbert software cannot be installed
The hörbert software is available in the latest version on our homepage as
Download for macOS, Windows, or Linux .
If you encounter issues during the installation, please contact our service team via the contact form.
Your question wasn't listed?
Then please write to us about your request, preferably with detailed information about the issue, using the contact form.
hörbert 2011 no longer plays Before turning on hörbert, please turn the volume knob all the way up. If you now hold your ear to the speaker at full volume and turn it on: do you hear a very faint rhythmic chirping? This would be a sign that the power supply is okay, but that there is something wrong with the content of the memory card.
Are the batteries empty? Please insert a completely new set of 4 identical batteries from the same pack.
Even if you have already done so, please replace the batteries with new ones. Sometimes an old or empty cell sneaks in, this has happened before. Sometimes the cells are already empty from the supermarket purchase and you are unlucky to get bad quality. Tip: The batteries can be easily removed by threading a thin string or ribbon through and lifting each battery one by one. Please hold the battery firmly on top.
Please also do the following when changing the batteries:
Please take two photos of the inside of your device (one with batteries inserted and one without).
Are the batteries making contact? Please remove the batteries and gently press together the two ends of all metallic battery clips with thumb and forefinger. Even if the batteries were very tight before, it is possible that a fall or impact, or when changing the batteries, may have slightly bent the clips, causing the contact with the batteries to be in the wrong place. Warning: This tip does not apply to the Bluetooth model of hörbert 2011. For devices with a built-in Bluetooth module, please do not shake the switch!
Lastly, it may be due to excess grease in the toggle switch, which sometimes accumulates in the wrong place even after a long time. Please switch on and off at least 50 times as quickly and as forcefully as you can, VERY quickly and forcefully, the switch can handle this. We deliberately chose a slightly oversized switch that can withstand playing children's hands. Due to the manual heat development, the grease has a chance to vaporize and the problem should be fixed.
Are you still using our original memory card? Or have you now switched to your own card? In the latter case, please test with our original card. Have you recorded on the card and then hörbert stopped playing?
Do you have a hörbert with built-in automatic shutdown? If yes, is exactly ONE playing time selected there, i.e., one of the switches No. 1-6 on the glockenspiel activated? Only then can hörbert function properly.
Please check if the small white cable connectors, in which the cables are seated, are properly in their respective sockets and gently press the white connectors if necessary.
Please check if the memory card is properly seated in the SD card slot.
If all our tips are of no use, we kindly ask you to send us the aforementioned photos of the inside of your hörbert. Each photo may be a maximum of 2 MB in size.
Write to us via our contact form and attach the photos as files.
Thank you very much. Electronic kit
You built your own music box with our electronic kit, but unfortunately, it doesn't play now?
Please try the following solutions:
Did you format the memory card in FAT32 format and load it with the hörbert software? You can find the software for download on this page: Did you insert the cable to the rotary encoder correctly?
It should look like this:
Cable to the rotary encoder:
The flat cables have a top and a bottom side. Make sure you insert the contact surfaces the right way round. Do not bend the cables back and forth.
Microphone cable
In the original hörbert, it looks like this when finished:
Are the batteries possibly depleted?
To test, please use a completely new set of 4 identical batteries from the same pack.
Please insert new batteries even if you have already done so once. Sometimes an old or empty cell sneaks in between, it has happened more often before. Sometimes the cells are already empty from purchase in the supermarket, and you have the misfortune of getting poor quality. Tip: Removing the batteries is very easy if you thread a thin string or ribbon through them and lift each battery one by one. Please hold the battery securely at the top while doing this.
Do the batteries make contact?
To check this, remove the batteries and gently squeeze together the two ends of all the metallic battery clips with your thumb and forefinger. Even if the batteries were sitting very tight before, it may be that through a drop or knock, or when changing batteries, the clips were slightly bent, causing the contact to the batteries not to be in the right place.
If the solution was not found here, please write to our service team via the contact form.
Spare Parts
For the older hörbert Model 2011 with the toggle switch, you can find in our shop:
If you cannot find a needed part there, please write to us about your request via our contact form.
Upgrade for the hörbert Model 2011:
If you want to equip your hörbert with new functions such as Bluetooth, Internet radio, sleep timer, recording functions, pause function, etc., we offer you the upgrade to the latest electronics version for that:
The separate Bluetooth module for hörbert 2011 for retrofitting is no longer available.
Feature request for hörbert
Do you have a specific feature that you wish hörbert should offer? Please write us your requirements. Thank you.
Request for Cable Headphones
Currently, it is not yet possible to operate hörbert with cable headphones.
In the new hörbert 2021, the connection option is already prepared on the circuit board (see also our circuit diagram at ), but it still requires additional functions that our development team needs to implement through a firmware update. There are no concrete plans for implementation in 2023. Extensive testing for approval with cable headphones will also be required at that time.
hörbert can already be paired with Bluetooth headphones.
Their advantage is that they do not pose a risk of tripping or strangulation.
Furthermore, hörbert does not require a socket for this purpose. Sockets are prone to damage. Therefore, we generally recommend the use of wireless headphones.
Is it possible to make hörbert louder/softer?
For some situations, such as outdoors at the daycare, on a hiking day, in the gym, for hearing impairments, etc., it is good if hörbert can be made somewhat louder. However, we would like to point out that hörbert's limits in the factory settings do not exceed the 85 dB limit allowed for children - even in "forte" mode.
If you increase the volume of hörbert, you do so at your own risk, and the use of hörbert by children requires supervision by an adult.
Sometimes hörbert is also supposed to be very quiet, for example when used while traveling with more people, but headphones should be avoided.
There are the following ways to adjust the volume of hörbert louder/softer:
Check if your hörbert is in "forte" = Loud or "piano" = Quiet mode:
Turn on hörbert, wait until it starts playing. Press the small SET button inside. hörbert will mute. Press the light blue button on the far left in the bottom row. If you hear a single high-pitched signal tone, hörbert is now in "forte" mode, i.e., set to loud. If you press the SET button inside again, the Forte mode is saved. If you hear two lower signal tones, hörbert is in "piano" mode, if you press the SET button inside again to save it.
You can adjust the volume of the content louder when you reload the memory card via the hörbert software, here‘s how:
Start the hörbert software from Version 3.x and read the memory card.
Go to "Extras" -> "Advanced functions" in the software menu at the top.
Here you have the option to choose the following:
"Upload files louder or softer"
"Increase volume to the limit" There is another way to adjust the existing volume limit of hörbert in general louder - even above 85 dB - or even softer. This works through a change in the Playlist Language = PlaLa, which is stored in a small file called "index.m3u". Please write your request to our service team so that we can send you the corresponding file and the necessary instructions on how to incorporate the changes in your hörbert.
What content is on the free memory card from hörbert? None of the above points apply to your concern?
Then please write us your concern, ideally with detailed information about the problem, using the contact form.
Where do I find free audio content for hörbert? None of the options above apply to your concern?
Then please write to us about your concern, preferably with detailed information about the problem, using the contact form.
Request for accessible hörbert None of the above points apply to your request?
Then write us your request, preferably with detailed information about the problem, via the contact form.