
hörbert Firmware

hörbert Firmware for hörbert model from October 2021 - without tilt switch

Firmware is the program that is executed directly in hörbert’s electronics. By performing a firmware update, you can always keep hörbert up to date. Butterfly is the biggest update for all hörbert models starting from October 2021!

With Butterfly, you – without a PC, without an SD card reader, and without hörbert software – can change hörbert’s settings, or add titles and web radio stations. hörbert now offers a web user interface, the “Browser-SET-Mode” via a web browser on a smartphone, tablet, or computer.Starting from Butterfly version, files can also be copied directly to the memory card using a computer with an SD card reader. No hörbert software for Windows, macOS, or Linux is required for this.

Tip: Download the latest firmware version right away: “Butterfly” (since 25.10.2024).

Here is the User Guide that explain the necessary steps of HOW TO DO A FIRMWARE UPDATE manually. 
After installation of the Butterfly Firmware future firmware updates can be done automatically by the click of a button in the Browser Set Mode.

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Firmware Beta Versions

hörbert’s firmware is constantly evolving. As soon as an official new firmware is released, the next small change is already included in a new Beta Version. Beta Version means something like “may not work completely, but has new features”. In beta versions, we can “just quickly” try out new features, or features that have not been tested for long enough yet. Those who install a beta version should only do so at the behest of our customer service, if it contains a special solution for a special problem. Those who are curious – or fearless – can also voluntarily use our beta version. Then we would appreciate feedback on whether everything is okay, or if someone may have even found a possible error.
In this beta version 2023-02-27 09:41 2cec1fd7:
  • No more stuttering in recordings via microphone or from Bluetooth streaming

The advantages of butterfly firmware

  • All settings for hörbert can be adjusted without the need for a PC, SD card reader, or hörbert software.
  • To achieve this, hörbert now offers a web interface called the “Browser Set Mode,” accessible via a web browser on a smartphone, tablet, or computer. All you need is a Wi-Fi-enabled device to connect to hörbert’s own Wi-Fi network and then access the Browser Set Mode through an internet browser.
    Further down on this page, you will find a short guide on how to start the Browser Set Mode.
  • MP3 files or internet radio stations can be saved to the card using the Browser Set Mode.
  • Thanks to Butterfly, files can also be copied directly onto the memory card using a computer with an SD card reader. There is no longer any need for hörbert software.

How to start the Browser Set Mode

Here’s how to connect to hörbert’s Wi-Fi and start the Browser Set Mode:

1. Turn on hörbert.
2. Press the SET button inside hörbert. A rising tone sequence will sound, and the green LED will light up continuously.

3. On your computer, tablet, or smartphone, search for the Wi-Fi network named **”hoerbert-xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”** and connect to it.
– The “xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx” represents a unique combination of letters and numbers specific to each hörbert.

4. The Wi-Fi password is: hoerbert
5. Open a web browser, such as Chrome, Safari, or Firefox, and navigate to http://hoerbert.local
– This will open hörbert’s Browser Set Mode.

Mobile View

Desktop View

Link to the detailed Butterfly User Manual

* Prices without VAT. Note: Customs fees may apply, please contact your local customs office for exact quotes.

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