
hörbert for Institutions

hörbert for care and nursing facilities

hörbert is a robust, versatile playback and recording device for music, speech, or instruments. Sustainably made from real wood, it is easy and analog to operate and supports educational and caregiving work. hörbert is the ideal musical companion and storyteller. Not only in childcare facilities but also in care facilities for people with disabilities.

hörbert for Institutions

hörbert for care and nursing facilities

hörbert is a robust, versatile playback and recording device for music, speech, or instruments. Sustainably made from real wood, it is simple and analog to use and supports educational and caregiving work. hörbert is the ideal musical companion and storyteller. Not only in care facilities for children, but also in care institutions for people with disabilities.

hörbert's advantages in brief:

  • Sustainable, made from robust wood: hörbert is manufactured in Germany with high quality standards, is durable, repairable, and available with individual name engraving, e.g., with the name of the facility.
  • Excellent speech intelligibility and high sound quality
  • Simple, analog operation: Selection of tracks at the push of a button.
  • Time-saving: No setup required or internet needed. We deliver over two hours of audio content on a free memory card.
  • No battery change needed: Our barrier-free products for care have an integrated power connection including battery charging function. Optionally available for the standard version of hörbert.
  • More audio content available: In addition to content for children, covering all areas of everyday life in child care and family life, we also offer special memory card editions to engage and activate people with dementia in elderly care: folk songs for singing and playing, biographical movement songs to participate, short stories, evergreens from the 50s and 60s, soundscapes for relaxation, word puzzles to guess along, etc.
  • Individually customizable according to needs: Should hörbert be operated or turned on and off with large external control buttons, like “Jelly Buttons”? Should it be even louder or quieter? Or turn off at the end of a playlist? hörbert makes everything possible!
  • Easy configuration: All settings and also loading new songs or stories are done via a convenient web interface, which caregivers can access using a Wi-Fi-enabled smartphone, tablet or computer.
  • No follow-up costs and no restriction to a licensed shop. Access an unlimited repertoire of music and stories fully automated via Bluetooth streaming or internet radio over Wi-Fi. Hörbert can also record all these sources that it plays. This way, there are no follow-up costs or dependencies on licensed shops.
  • Supported communication thanks to hörbert’s integrated voice microphone. Words, sentences or voice commands can also be recorded and retrieved at the press of a button on each colorful button. This helps people who cannot use their language or voice, or who want to learn a new language.
  • Service and support, extensions and repairs by the German manufacturer

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* Prices including 19% VAT

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