10 Jahre hörbert ShieldKIT

03/2020 – Winzki helps in the production of face masks

Frickenhausen, 27.03.2020.  
The company Winzki from Frickenhausen near Stuttgart supports the production of urgently needed face masks, the so-called FaceShields of the voluntary
 open-diy-projects, which started in the Esslingen region and the surrounding area. The first masks of the pilot series went to the smear center at the Fair Center Stuttgart yesterday, where they are urgently needed.
Face protection is a crucial tool when dealing with peoplet who may be infected, as the mask shields the mouth, eyes and nose. The project makers receive more and more requests for demand from local regional associations, hospitals and aid organizations such as the Maltese or the German Red Cross. Regional needs alone are estimated at several thousand protective shields. 

Winzki is producer of hörbert, a wooden mp3-player for kids. In their premises in Frickenhausen they build approximately ten thousand of the music player made from massive wood. A powerful laser cutter is used to mill holes and openings for buttons, switches and speakers. This is now also used to laser out the matching foil shapes for the masks.

“With a little pull behind it, we can laser 500 foils a day. With 10 hours and 2 people, this can be raised to 1000 in extreme cases”reports Rainer Brang, Managing Director of Winzki. “In this way we can help to make the work of many people in the healthcare system safer.” 

Brang was approached by the project group of the open-diy-project a week earlier, because they knew each other from earlier. The implementation of the project takes place in cooperation with the MAKER community. The idea: Anyone who has a 3D printer can contact the project team. There are templates for printing the headbands with which the finished face shield can be attached to the head. Printing a set takes about 2-3 hours, according to statements on the project page. Open-diy-projects estimates that with many printers and numerous runs per day, around a thousand sets could be produced per week.
There are currently about a hundred printers already printing. If you live in the Esslingen region, have a 3D printer and want to help, please use the contact form on the open-diy-projects page. There is also further information on the project on the page.

The Winzki company will continue to invest the necessary production capacities and the time of its employees for the non-profit project. Rainer Brang has already given a clear signal for the preservation of value in society and the responsible treatment of people and nature by inventing his sustainable wooden audio player Hoerbert. He is enthusiastic about the project: “We are pleased that we can help with our resources during this time to improve the general situation.”

 Further Links:  

Official projec site open-diy-projects and donate button: https://link.hoerbert.com/yEVD5 

Facebook opendiyprojectshttps://link.hoerbert.com/zuUGF 

website Maker Community: https://link.hoerbert.com/REEZu 


* Prices including 19% VAT