State of emergency. Life is at a standstill almost everywhere.
This is a special time and you’ll undoubtedly want to make good use of it. Had you already settled into a daily routine after a week of school and daycare closure? T hen meanwhile, maybe you have some breathing space for this intensive family time that is so important right now. Or perhaps you’re facing the challenge of having to look after the kids, while at the same time trying to hold down your job working from home. Our activity tips cater to both situations.
While we’re staying home, let’s organize the time to make it as worthwhile as possible. This is important so that our children can sense our hope and our confidence in t he future.
Here are some suggestions for cheerful activities at home:
- We heard of a fantastic idea today! Children all over the world are being asked to paint a rainbow and hang it in the window or on the door as a sign of hope in the face of coronavirus. This wonderful idea is catching on more and more in a great many countries – from Italy to Germany to the USA. You can find the painting template for this here:
Although, of course, your kids can also design their very own rainbows.
- You can make handwashing great fun! With homemade modeling soap. Source:
- Grow beans in a glass jar . Source: walldorf
- Plant cress. Garden cress is healthy and tastes delicious freshly harvested and eaten on bread or in salad.
The seedlings can be grown in shallow dishes or glass jars on the window sill. Source:
- ALBA BERLIN, with its new online program “ALBAs tägliche Sportstunde” (ALBA’s daily exercise lesson) on its YouTube channel, is now bringing exercise and fun to this daily life that’s so strange for everyone . The exercise units are categorized by different age groups. Source: albaberlin
You can find this and many other collections of exercise links in German parents’ magazine ELTERN. Source:
- Virtual museum
The Kunstpalast art museum in Düsseldorf is now offering something special, as the first art museum in the country to provide a separate website for kids. It has games, through which children can discover the museum and its collection – memory games, for instance, and detective hunt games. Source:
Click on “Nele das Nashorn” and “Start” to join in!
- When you need a bit more peace in your home office, you have hörbert of course – the patient, caring companion for your child. Just put on some new audio content from hörbert’s memory card and off you go.
How about listening to some English? For kids who are particularly eager to learn. Something suitable in this case could be the audio books “Englisch mit Hexe Huckla ” (English with Witch Huckla) from Langenscheidt – Source:
Or the English songs of Robert Metcalf. Source:
Do you already know about hörbert’s new ready-to-play memory cards, available for purchase as supplies :
the “Sternschnuppe” “Frühling/Sommer” edition , with witty, lively songs and short texts for all the family.
You can buy them here:
Together, we can do this!
We’re taking up the struggle with you against quarantine frustration and we’d be delighted to hear any other tips and comments.
Warm regards and stay healthy!
hörbert team